The old-fashioned Scrabble game has found a home at MOD -and Fred chose to play a young college drop-out. Fred with his two Masters beat Ned but just barely. Fred claims to be a weak speller and Ned's strategy is to create his own words.
Fred challenged me. I am very competative and Fred thought he would copy Ned's strategy. Unfortunately for Fred, I am a decent speller and I challenged his nonsense words. Fred used my I-phone as a dictionary--he took so much time, I think he was looking up words. Then he played on my soft heart and I didn't make him lose a turn. I won the first game. (Fred is now up by one). Fred then began a campaign for me to play Ned. I am not sure of Fred's motive--his desire to see me whupped or he knows I will challenge those nonsense words.
Last week we decided we needed our own game. Then we could play at New York Pizzaria or the Kettle or Starbucks. (I love Mod but I do go to Starbucks sometimes because it is closer to my condo and there is no search required for parking!). Ws were in danger of becoming die-hard Scrabble fanatics.
Tuesday, without planning, i just decided to go to Sulphur to visit my kids and grandkids. And Duke and Shonda introduced me to Words with Friends. I started a game with Duke and I beat him. The second game with Duke -- he trounced me by a 100 points. He used some website called
Scrabble I didn't mind him looking up words because 40 years ago his dad and I played with dictionaries--looking up words to play to improve our vocabulary. Duke did beat me twice without the Scrabble proud of my smart son!!) However, looking up words really slowed down the game and as an old lady, time is not in abundance. Seriously, I am just impatient.
Wednesday morning, hanging out by myself while the kids were at work and the grandkids were at school, I discoveded "random opponents" and found a few. Within the next two days, I had found twenty-one new friends. It was great--some played mornings, some afternoons, some evenings, some late nights. I seldom had to wait too long for someone to play because I was playing so many games. Next I discovered text messaging within the game and that was fun too.
When an old friend and a new friend both trounced me but good-- I text them to see if they were using a cheat website. Oh lordy, I think I offended them both. Remember, I am not opposed to such sites because you have to figure points and find places to play and I learn new words without putting in all the extra effort. However, after that minor fiasco, I didnot ask anyone else that question.
Everything in my Words with Friends world was great. It was fun. I could take breaks. I had developed some favorite friends although one quit playing to take a trip to Barbados--don't I-phones work on the island??!! (Just kidding!).
Saturday night disaster struck!! I lost all of my friends--all twenty-three of them. All my favorites.
The dang game updated. I could not remember my login information. In my attempt, I accidentally set up a new user id. I keep getting "my turn" memos on my I-phone but I can't get to those games. I emailed the company with no result. I really miss Mr. Puckering (this is not how to spell it because I keep trying to find him on my new games--I guess he his lost forever).
No problem, I just had to made new friends. Only these new friends aren't like the old ones. One person wanted to know how old I was and where I lived. When he found out I had been teaching 30 years (my way of not giving my exact age), he quit playing the game. I made only about 15 friends only these guys never took breaks. I was playing fast and furious. They began leaving me mean notes--I was taking too long. Who knew 20 minutes was too long. I began to stress. My arm began to hurt. I was afraid to stop. Finally, I just started resigning games. I am so competative--this hurt almost as much as the mean messages.
Lesson learned. Three or four games at most and only friends that take breaks and leave me nice messages--like Carolyn. lol