Friday, August 27, 2010

Remember Me, I Am Not Gone

Remember me,
I am not gone.
I am in the love you feel
and in the tears you shed.
I am in the notes of our favorite songs
and in the smiles and giggles we shared.

Remember me,
I am not gone.
I am there for every celebration
and for all that you achieve.
I am there in times of joy
and times of woe.

Remember me,
I am not gone.
I am there in rainbows
and drops of sweet rain
I am there in the breeze
that gently strokes your cheek.

Remember me,
I am not gone.
I am living through you.
I am there to encourage you
and to protect you.
I am there to comfort you
and to believe in you.

Remember me,
I am not gone.
I am a part of your heart.
I am a part of your spirit.
I am a part of your soul.

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