Wednesday, December 19, 2012


I will repeat myself.
We must all pay our fair share of taxes.
Why should the rich get by with less.  They have more loop holes than Swiss cheese.  They have more deductions.  So much of their income is from investments--how much is tax free municipal  bonds.  Think about Mitt Romney's taxes--14%.

Sorry but the elderly need to pay their fair share of medicare and social security benefits should be taken from those earning through dividends, IRAs, retirement accounts over $100,000.

I am so tired of the Republicans blaming welfare moms instead of looking in the mirror. 

The tax cliff returns us to Bill Clinton's tax rates, when our budget was balanced.  So going back to those rates is not a bad thing.

You can sell your home and make a $250,000 profit if you are single, tax free.  If you are married, the profit that is tax free is $500,000.  This is ludicrous.

If you leave an estate of $5,000,000, it is tax free.  This is insane.

How can people keep endorsing taking away from the poor in favor of these tax breaks, loop holes, etc. for the rich or the upper middle class?  I do not understand the thinking.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


I am tired of the "conversation" about gun control.

What a royal waste of time.

State governments must make the changes.  Their laws override the Federal government according to the cable news channels.

300,000,000 guns in this country.  We are turning into a Middle Eastern Country.  It seems that gun fanatics want to turn our homes, schools, communities into armed prisons to keep the bad guys out.

Why is there a discussion?

Executive Privilege--Obama should stop the sale of all assault rifles, hand guns, clips, and bullets for such guns.  The courts can suspend the sell of these horrible weapons!  Then our society can hash out the particulars!

Conversing means the sales of guns are off the charts.  And if we will not go into homes and forcibly remove these weapons of mass destruction, nothing will change!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Lake Charles

Dusk after viewing the Mardi Gras Parade in Lake Charles, February, 2012.

Lake Charles has a beautiful downtown area, historic, with a downtown courthouse that is gorgeous.

ENTITLEMENTS-social security and medicare

Once again, I tell you our country is bankrupt.

Republicans want entitlement reform--however most think this means "welfare" to inner city blacks.

Most do not understand that the largest group of people receiving entitlements are those receiving Social Security and Medicare.

Medicare costs $400 per month per person.  Yet, no matter the income of the recipient, the elderly pays $100 a month.  Was this program set up to be used by those who can afford their own insurance?  Should we as taxpayers provide another benefit to the top 2%?

Social Security was not set up to support the rich.  Yet, I know millionaires who are receiving social secruity checks.  I know that many out live any amount they ever paid in.

I have known people who have transferred all assets out of their parents' names, waited the alloted time, and then placed them in nursing homes at the taxpayers' expense.

Yet we continue to blame the black cracked up welfare moms for the bankrupt economy in this country. 

In addition, I must return to taking care of the poor.

We like going to fast food places.  We like going to restaurants.  We like having cashiers check us out quickly and accurately at stores where we choose to shop.  Yet none of these people receive a livable wage.  They do not receive benefits.  They do not have retirement accounts.  And most do not have the IQ to go to college and become doctors, lawyers, Indian Chiefs.

These are the people Social Security was intended to cover.  Not the entire population of the United States.

Disability Insurance.  Who qualifies for disability?  I have a friend who served in the military.  He was not a foot soldier.  He was not shot or bombed.  He is on government disability for his knee.  Yet he earns more than most teachers as someone who negotiates oil and gas leases. 

(I did my research on the Internet.  I know everything posted on the Internet is not true but I do try to research everything--newspapers, magazines, studies.)


Grandparents have worked through the courts and their elected officials to get visitation rights for their grandchildren.

As a grandmother, I think grandparents should pay a much bigger role!

Before a child under the age of 26 can apply for "welfare" for their children, grandparents should have their income checked.  Whenever possible, they should provide financial support for their grandchildren. 

As I stated in a previous post, we as taxpayers are providing medicaid, food stamps, housing allowance, childcare--to a "welfare" mom.  Yet her parents are both tenured professors.  They want the fun of being grandparents but not the financial responsibility for their child or grandchildren. 

Should our responsibility for our children end just because they turn 18?  Can you name an 18 year old who is capable of supporting financially themselves--pay for an apartment, clothing, food, transportation, medical care?


Once again, the prejudice racism of the Tea Party Republicans is rearing their ugly heads.

Entitlements to my Republican friends --welfare to black mammas.

Give me a break. 

If you know of anyone abusing our welfare system, report them.  It is your responsibility to stop the abuse.

However, don't judge by appearance.  Either take the time to know the "group" you are condeming or shut up.

One complaint on face book was "welfare moms" having I- phones.
     I taught in an inner city school, and my students carried phones on their belts.  They were not connected to any phone service.  It was just an accessory.
     I used my I-Phone as a computer whereever there was free wifi.  I did not have to pay any kind of fee to any one.  I could not make phone calls but I could email, use the internet, use facebook and twitter, play words with friends.
     My I-Phone cost $49.  I was given it by my daughter.  My MBA college professor friend gave both his parents cell phones and pays their cell phone bill.
All welfare moms are not black drug abusers, they are not even all black.

     I went back to college this semester.  I met a "welfare mom" who had two kids.  Her parents were tenured college professors.  Yet we paid for her pregnancies through medicaid.  We pay for her college through grants.  We pay for her food through food stamps.  My question is why isn't her parents accepting financial responsibility for their child and grandchildren?

     I met a young black woman who was very bright.  She worked two jobs.  She made good grades.  She was obese; and by anyone's standards, she was very unattractive.  How many of you look at appearance first when hiring, and ability second?  I wonder if this beautiful on the inside, smart young lady will ever get hired once she graduates.  I try to be optimistic.

I have also read posts on fb that "welfare moms" should get a job!

     I agree.  And all welfare moms I know have jobs. 

     You can not support a family working for minimum wage at McDonald's, Burger King, Kroger's, Walmart.  For some, that is all the skills their IQ will allow.  Should they be living on the streets because God did not give them a higher IQ?  Do you not appreciate having dishwashers at restaurants, being able to run through a drive thru on your way home, being accurately checked out at the stores? 

Some welfare moms were raped or became pregnant through incest.  Can you look at a welfare mom and tell which is which?  Should they wear a sign so that you know which ones to judge?

Some welfare moms are taking care of their husbands who returned from war in Iraq or Afghanistan--in pieces.  Should they not have our support while their husbands, their families heal.  Should they wear signs so that you don't misjudge them?

Some welfare moms have children with severe disabilities.  Or they are taking care of family members with severe disabilities.  Again, should they wear a sign so that you don't judge?

I worked with a welfare mom.  She had one child.  She worked as a teacher's aide and worked as a certified/licensed pharmacy aide.  Her sister died in child birth.  Her four children were taken in by my friend, their aunt.  The infant was born deaf, blind, physically and mentally challenged.  Does she not deserve all the help our socieity, our taxes can give her?  

Strangely, I never read or hear anyone say, "where are the fathers?"  Why is that.  Why aren't they hounded and forced to help support their children? 


Our country is bankrupt.  We can fix it, but people have to be willing to make sacrifices--all of us, no matter how poor or rich!

1.  Pay your fair share of taxes. 

a.  Report all of your tips!
b.  Report all of your cash payments!
c.  Give 1099's to all your help be it gardeners or housekeepers, construction workers or pool cleaners. 
d.  Ask for driver's licenses-stop paying illegal aliens cash. 
e.  Report those who cheat on their taxes.
f.  Report those who do not file taxes.

2.  Stop looking for loop holes! 

3.  Stop hiding money off shore!

4.  Shop local.  Shop mom and pops!    Keep your tax dollars in your community.

a.  I am giving a Christmas gift of Louisiana products to a Texan friend.  Through my purchasing power I am supporting industry in my state and in my city and in my parish.  I am supporting jobs in my city, in my state, in my community!
b.  Look at labels.  Find those items that are manufactured here in the United States.  We do not need it if it is created in China or Japan!  This will bring jobs home.


I have taught school for thirty years.
We require that all children have their shots before entering public schools.
We provide testing for eyes and ears for every public school child annually.
If a child is having learning problems, every public school system has a department that tests and tries to identify the specific learning problems and then provides special education services for those children.

Yet, we do nothing to test or screen for psychological problems, for child abuse problems.

We have certified, licensed school counselors on just about every campus of every school I have ever been affiliated with.  Yet, most of their time is spent in scheduling classes for the students.

This needs to change.  If we began screening early for abuse, behavior problems, mental health--we could provide services early for students and their families.  Health insurance, the lack thereof, the exorbitant cost, would no longer be a factor.  If we spent the same amount of money we spend on our sports programs on our children's mental health, so many problems could be identified and addressed early.

I can give you one important example of how our society abuses our children.  We place children in foster care, until age 18.  All services for these children end at age 18.  They become homeless at age 18.  I worked at a ranch where boys were placed, sometimes by parents, more often by the courts.  At age 18, they were "kicked out".  The boys were returned to their old neighborhoods, their families who did not want them as children or who were unable to care for them as children, or to families that abused them physically and sexually as children.  And for you Southerners, there were as many white boys as black boys. 

At age 18, these children, young adults, still needed assistance with acquiring housing, job skills, education.  Even those smart enough for college had no way to attend college--no one to help with applications, no where to live, no food, no transportation, no job skills. 

And for those who had low IQ's, nothing. 

And when they get arrested, there is no compassion!  As a society, no one shares in the blame for their failures. 

I worked with a young girl - she was in one of my reading special education classes.  She had a severe learning disability in math.  She read on a college level.  She had severe personality problems.  She was bullied unmercifully. 

She quit high school because of the bullying.  She could not pass the No Child Left Behind math section.

I talked to her several times after she turned 18.  Her mother was moving to Dallas and she was not allowed to go.  Her mother was giving up her government housing.  This 18 year old told me she had two choices--she could get pregnant and thus qualify for government housing.  Or she could go to a shelter for abused women and lie about being abused by a boyfriend.

She found part-time work as a housekeeper at a local motel.  She could not pay rent. 

And our society blames her for her failures! 


I believe in the freedom of speech.

However, there needs to be a limit placed on access to that freedom.

People over 21 could purchase special "net flix" type programing that would allow adults to download and/or watch films, play games, read print that shows death, murder, horror, violence, and porn.  Then those adults can be held accountable for allowing access to such violence and horror to anyone under age 21--just like we do with alcohol and tobacco.

Tax this type of media!  Our country is bankrupt.  Here is a second way to add income!


Alot has happened since July.  I lost my way blogging.  Hopefully, I will pick back up.

I dropped  or deactivated facebook.  I could not continue to read what I call idiocy of Republicans.

On Friday, December 14, 2012, a twenty year old went into an elementary school armed with three guns.  One was a klock.  One was a "hunting rifle" that included a clip which made it automatic.  And on facebook, people came out immediately defending their gun rights.  OMG!

I read on facebook where some recommended arming teachers.  I do believe some gun advocates have gone insane and those posting such idiocy should be committed and I have their gun licenses revoked. 

My response: do we want our homes and schools to be armed fortresses?  Do we want to turn our schools and neighborhoods into prisons with 8 foot fences, razor wire, armed guards, just to keep the bad guys out?

I hate guns.  Any gun that requires clips and can be automatic, should be banned from private ownership.  Go door to door if necessary and collect the guns.  We have 300,000 million guns in this country, 100,000 shootings each year, 30,000 deaths.  Again I say, go door to door and collect the guns.  Destroy them!

We are not a Middle Eastern country.  Individuals do not need to be armed as if they were part of the Taliban in this country.  I donot believe our founding forefathers had any concept of what weapons would morph into in two hundred years.

Tax bullets.  The largest taxes we pay should be on alcohol and bullets.  Limit the types and amount of ammunition a person can have.

It is child abuse to take children to a shooting range.  Prosecute those parents who do so!!

Give drug and alcohol tests to those requesting gun licenses even for hunting rifles.  Does this sound extreme.  I know three people who are alcoholics who have requested a concealed weapon permit.  OMG.  Is this who we trust to protect our homes, families, communities?

Finally, if we can ban the selling of candy cigarettes, then why haven't we banned the selling of toy guns to children?  We do not live in the Wild West.  Children do not need to learn about cap guns, rifles, knives--beginning with their second Christmas.