Monday, December 17, 2012


Once again, the prejudice racism of the Tea Party Republicans is rearing their ugly heads.

Entitlements to my Republican friends --welfare to black mammas.

Give me a break. 

If you know of anyone abusing our welfare system, report them.  It is your responsibility to stop the abuse.

However, don't judge by appearance.  Either take the time to know the "group" you are condeming or shut up.

One complaint on face book was "welfare moms" having I- phones.
     I taught in an inner city school, and my students carried phones on their belts.  They were not connected to any phone service.  It was just an accessory.
     I used my I-Phone as a computer whereever there was free wifi.  I did not have to pay any kind of fee to any one.  I could not make phone calls but I could email, use the internet, use facebook and twitter, play words with friends.
     My I-Phone cost $49.  I was given it by my daughter.  My MBA college professor friend gave both his parents cell phones and pays their cell phone bill.
All welfare moms are not black drug abusers, they are not even all black.

     I went back to college this semester.  I met a "welfare mom" who had two kids.  Her parents were tenured college professors.  Yet we paid for her pregnancies through medicaid.  We pay for her college through grants.  We pay for her food through food stamps.  My question is why isn't her parents accepting financial responsibility for their child and grandchildren?

     I met a young black woman who was very bright.  She worked two jobs.  She made good grades.  She was obese; and by anyone's standards, she was very unattractive.  How many of you look at appearance first when hiring, and ability second?  I wonder if this beautiful on the inside, smart young lady will ever get hired once she graduates.  I try to be optimistic.

I have also read posts on fb that "welfare moms" should get a job!

     I agree.  And all welfare moms I know have jobs. 

     You can not support a family working for minimum wage at McDonald's, Burger King, Kroger's, Walmart.  For some, that is all the skills their IQ will allow.  Should they be living on the streets because God did not give them a higher IQ?  Do you not appreciate having dishwashers at restaurants, being able to run through a drive thru on your way home, being accurately checked out at the stores? 

Some welfare moms were raped or became pregnant through incest.  Can you look at a welfare mom and tell which is which?  Should they wear a sign so that you know which ones to judge?

Some welfare moms are taking care of their husbands who returned from war in Iraq or Afghanistan--in pieces.  Should they not have our support while their husbands, their families heal.  Should they wear signs so that you don't misjudge them?

Some welfare moms have children with severe disabilities.  Or they are taking care of family members with severe disabilities.  Again, should they wear a sign so that you don't judge?

I worked with a welfare mom.  She had one child.  She worked as a teacher's aide and worked as a certified/licensed pharmacy aide.  Her sister died in child birth.  Her four children were taken in by my friend, their aunt.  The infant was born deaf, blind, physically and mentally challenged.  Does she not deserve all the help our socieity, our taxes can give her?  

Strangely, I never read or hear anyone say, "where are the fathers?"  Why is that.  Why aren't they hounded and forced to help support their children? 

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