Monday, December 17, 2012


Alot has happened since July.  I lost my way blogging.  Hopefully, I will pick back up.

I dropped  or deactivated facebook.  I could not continue to read what I call idiocy of Republicans.

On Friday, December 14, 2012, a twenty year old went into an elementary school armed with three guns.  One was a klock.  One was a "hunting rifle" that included a clip which made it automatic.  And on facebook, people came out immediately defending their gun rights.  OMG!

I read on facebook where some recommended arming teachers.  I do believe some gun advocates have gone insane and those posting such idiocy should be committed and I have their gun licenses revoked. 

My response: do we want our homes and schools to be armed fortresses?  Do we want to turn our schools and neighborhoods into prisons with 8 foot fences, razor wire, armed guards, just to keep the bad guys out?

I hate guns.  Any gun that requires clips and can be automatic, should be banned from private ownership.  Go door to door if necessary and collect the guns.  We have 300,000 million guns in this country, 100,000 shootings each year, 30,000 deaths.  Again I say, go door to door and collect the guns.  Destroy them!

We are not a Middle Eastern country.  Individuals do not need to be armed as if they were part of the Taliban in this country.  I donot believe our founding forefathers had any concept of what weapons would morph into in two hundred years.

Tax bullets.  The largest taxes we pay should be on alcohol and bullets.  Limit the types and amount of ammunition a person can have.

It is child abuse to take children to a shooting range.  Prosecute those parents who do so!!

Give drug and alcohol tests to those requesting gun licenses even for hunting rifles.  Does this sound extreme.  I know three people who are alcoholics who have requested a concealed weapon permit.  OMG.  Is this who we trust to protect our homes, families, communities?

Finally, if we can ban the selling of candy cigarettes, then why haven't we banned the selling of toy guns to children?  We do not live in the Wild West.  Children do not need to learn about cap guns, rifles, knives--beginning with their second Christmas. 

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