Wednesday, December 19, 2012


I will repeat myself.
We must all pay our fair share of taxes.
Why should the rich get by with less.  They have more loop holes than Swiss cheese.  They have more deductions.  So much of their income is from investments--how much is tax free municipal  bonds.  Think about Mitt Romney's taxes--14%.

Sorry but the elderly need to pay their fair share of medicare and social security benefits should be taken from those earning through dividends, IRAs, retirement accounts over $100,000.

I am so tired of the Republicans blaming welfare moms instead of looking in the mirror. 

The tax cliff returns us to Bill Clinton's tax rates, when our budget was balanced.  So going back to those rates is not a bad thing.

You can sell your home and make a $250,000 profit if you are single, tax free.  If you are married, the profit that is tax free is $500,000.  This is ludicrous.

If you leave an estate of $5,000,000, it is tax free.  This is insane.

How can people keep endorsing taking away from the poor in favor of these tax breaks, loop holes, etc. for the rich or the upper middle class?  I do not understand the thinking.

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