Friday, June 20, 2014

RVing Part 4--Storage

I have a small rv--27 feet.  This is the perfect size for me and my Mindy, my pup.  I can drive it anywhere. 

For those considering this change in lifestyle, remember there is very little storage.

I put all my crafts--sewing, painting, jewelry making, scrapbooking--in plastic bins.  I stored most of these on the bed above the cabin.  And still I ran out of room.

Under the dining benches, I placed all my electronics for traveling.  Most are on the benches for easy access when parked--the computer, the camera, the kindle.

In the small overhead bins, I placed my crafts that were stored in shoe boxes.  I have sense moved some of these because I didn't have room for groceries. 

Pots and pans are stored above the fridge, in the oven, in the microwave and my rice cooker is in the cupboard above the sink.  I found it difficult to get rid of my cookie sheets and cake pans.  I am not sure I will ever need them because I haven't learned to use my stove/oven.  I wish I had kept my toaster oven and plan to purchase another asap.  I do have a two burner hot plate and a large crock pot.  I cook with these because they use electricity--free in an rv park.  (My propane tank is built in which means I have to drive the rv to places that can refill it.  For this reason, I use propane very sparingly.)

The items giving me the most headaches for storage are clothes.  Believe it, I got rid of lots of clothes.  But women, you know that you have to have shorts and shirts, casual long pants and tees, office style clothing if you are still working, and then Sunday wear to meeting clothes.  I have all my winter clothes in suitcases and packed under the bed.  The tiny closets have  my semi and dressy clothes.  My casual summer stuff is on an over the door rack--definitely not enough room for everything.  My undies are in drawers as are my bathing suits.

On the inside of the bathroom door is an over the door hanging clear shoe bag.  This hold a bit of everything from pens and markers to lotions and make up, scissors and razors to medications.  I have used the shoe bags for years for crafts, shoes, toiletries--being reduced to just one is a real sacrifice.

Now that I have my Tahoe with me, I am thinking about making the back seat an extension of my closet.  I am currently trying to figure out how to keep the clothes next to the windows from fading from sun rays.  Thinking about hanging a hoodie on each end--fleece is thick enough to block direct sun.  (Yes, my windows are tinted but I am not sure that is enough.)

I am also thinking about moving some of my bins to the back.  Again, during the summers, there is intense heat in a closed car.  Whatever I put in the back has to be ok with heat.  Because of the cost of gas, I do not want too much weight in the car. 

Hope this helps a little bit!

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