Saturday, August 7, 2010

Great Friday in the Sun

Fred called to meet for a quick coffee at Starbuck's. Would have blown it off but I need an outside motivator to get moving in the morning.

Ran into my neighbor Marie who was walking her pup. Invited her to meet me at MOD.

Met Fred. He really does make me laugh and our discussions can be about the oddest topics. Today's topic was Galveston history and the boat loads of money they made and lost and made again in Galveston.

Then headed to MOD. Marie was already there with her coffee and I had yet to find a place to park. Oh well.

Marie is French and still has an accent. I have to listen close to comprehend everything.

We had fun sharing stories and introducing Marie to the coffeehouse regulars. It never ceases to amaze me how many people I know --more than I knew in Shreveport and I went to high school there.

For lunch we headed to the Strand. We checked put the Bistro. I had read in the paper that it was a French Bistro. I had a real French person to answer any questions I might have. I was excited. Unfortunately, this was Cajun French--muffullettas. Meat loaf was the daily special. No crepes. Nothing with strange sounding names or ingredients. I was so disappointed. Lunch was ok but that was probably my only visit. I much prefer The Mediterranean Cafe with words I can't pronounce on the menu.

After lunch we visited Eiband's Emporium. I am not in the market for any more knick knacks so I had been avoiding the place. To be honest, their original art was pretty cheap. And lots of variety. But, when I want a new art piece, I paint it.

Marie left to walk her dog and I got some work done on the computer.

Sat and visited with Gayle and Brooks --they are retired photographers from New Jersey and the proud parents of my new favorite writer--Ara 13. Our discussions were centered around The Holocaust, photography, and Ara's new book cover.

More computer work.

Then Fred showed. We visited with Robert watching him devour chocolate chip cookies. We exchanged jokes with a couple of 20 somethings--Ned, or Flash--our nickname for him--took off on his skateboard.

I was ready for a change of scenery having been downtown all day. Thought about joining Patti and her friends for happy hour on the beach but my body was reminding me that I am an old lady and I had missed my nap. So I headed for the condo.

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