Wednesday, August 18, 2010

My High School Classmates--I Remember ....

Guess who I'm writing about. It is all positive and don't fret if u r not here, I will update as I remember more. It has been 40 years after all.

PS. I will proofread tomorrow --it is my iPhone that makes the mistakes!!

I remember learning about social obligations from you as we went to the home of a new student and welcomed her to Bossier City. I loved the chocolate chip pancakes you and your mom served after a sleep over.

I remember that the teachers were constantly watching the length of your hair--of course you were a great athlete too.

I remember you told me you were not ready for a girlfriend. I also remember watching you play college baseball.

I remember that your eyeshadow always matched your eyes and we talked about it in American History one time.

I remember stealing canna lilies from you yard in elementary school. I also remember you pulled me over on Shed Road but didn't give me a ticket.

I remember sitting on a picnic table looking for UFOs in the sky. Somewhere there is a graduation photo of the two of us.

I remember going to Baton Rouge and New Orleans on our 8th grade trip and I said something stupid like I wished we would have a flat just to make the trip last longer. Even then you were so much more mature than me and let me know all the consequences if such a thing happened. I always admired your quiet intelligence.

I remember the braces and red hair.

I remember knowing you were one of the angels put on earth to remind us to be positive. I liked your short wig the best. You were an early pro with makeup.

You were a natural leader and played the drums like no other.

I remember you from 6th grade saying something like if God put people on earth then why not elsewhere in the universe. I always think of you when I watch the movie "Contact."

I remember you calling in a whisper and demanding that I call you. I remember many sleepovers and being impressed with your grandmother's sewing skills.

I remember sitting on steps discussing Vietnam. You were the first person I knew who served there--as a fireman if I am not mistaken.

I remember having a crush on you in 5th grade and everyone knew because you chose me first in kickball at Bossier Elementary.

I remember hearing you and your family sing beautifully at a Greenacres PTA meeting.

I remember we were very close friends at Greenacres with a little blond girl. I don't remember much about her though. You were quiet and elegant.

I remember you describing an upperclassman baseball player--you loved his broad shoulders and small waist--was his name Donnie.

I remember attending Swan Lake Baptist church with you. You always had a smile.

I remember drinking lots of colas and playing poker at your house with your little sister. I went to my first concert thanks to you and your journalist sister.

Every time I have a student who makes me laugh and doesn't want to finish assignments in class, I think of you. You were the same from 7th grade through graduation and I recognize that smile in photos on facebook.

You were handsome and a natural leader and great athlete. You were quiet and the perfect student.

You were smart and a classic young lady. You had a fun side which can be found in our yearbook. I think everyone admired you.

You went to leadership camp at LSU. I remember you loved drama. I remember sitting in your back yard and you have a younger brother. Did you have redish hair??

I remember the freckles and the blonde hair. You were quiet and cute.

I remember you were good looking and had the same blond girlfriend forever. You were best friends with a tall lanky fellow. I am thinking you may have been an outdoors man.

I remember you came to my house and took me for a ride in a vet. It is the only time I have ever been in one. What a nice thing for you to do.

You showed up at my house with a Christmas gift--totally out of the blue. I later found out you delivered gifts to three ladies. I am now thinking you were a player before we new what a player was. You really were a nice guy.

You were smart and quiet in high school. I don't think you played sports. We probably underestimated your potential and you are probably a great husband. You were nice looking.

You were very smart and very cute. This one is easy. Was science easy for you?? Must be the genes!!

You were probably the richest person I knew in high school. I remember going to your house and it was huge and you had chores to do. I think you are another one of those angels that walk among us--always nice to everyone.

I remember the party at your house and the pool. But I remember you more from 4-H camp. Yes it was my rotting mayonaise sandwich that made our cabin stink.

I remember you were the only one to wear real pants to prom. I can't remember your name but you were an ingenue. (I wore pants too but my Cinderella dress hid the legs). You were great on yearbook staff.

You were the hunk our senior year with your dark brown semi nestle hair cut. You were quiet and polite. We may have had English together.

We double dated somewhere but I remember your date said she was Carie Nation's granddaughter. It took me awhile to understand that one. I saw you on the bench once --I was impressed but I remember you always said you were going to study law.

I went see Ghost Busters with you and our kids in Baton Rouge.

We had great senior poster parties at your house. I remember my Polaroid took horrible pics but one made the yearbook.

You went steady with my friend. She was busy and you and I got stuck on old Shed Road in the mud and the police came and I remember.

You were the cutesy peppiest cheerleader our senior year. I remember short curly hair and a sweet personality.

We attended the same church for a while and I think you kept us off task in senior English. I admire you more today than yesterday. I loved your attitude and even more today.

You told me in typing II and I quote "why dream if you don't try to make your dreams come true.". I thought that was profound. You really were the most beautiful among us.

You were the tall lanky guy that played basketball. You were funny and nice. If I were to guess who in our class made a million bucks first it would be you.

Ok I have done the easy ones first. Give me a day or two or three and I will remember more of my classmates.

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