Thursday, August 5, 2010

Typical Island Thursday

Woke up at 7  to the sun streaming through the patio doors of my bedroom.  Of course Mindy was yelping---she is so afraid of shadows.  From the patio I can see downtown, Moody Gardens, and the ocean.  At night I count the ships lined up waiting their turn to enter the harbor and head for the Houston port, lights look like little stars along the horizon. 

Started the morning at MOD with coffee and a bagel. Joined by Sheila and Calvin-island artists and commercial painters. They are always such fun to talk to and Sheila has such a great personality. They are a cougar couple and they smile all the time.  I call them a set of Galveston angels.

Fred joined us. We probably spent three hours discussing the strangest things. Like what part of the brain causes someone with turrets to yell such profanity and the sadness of schizophrenia.  James walked by still fussing and cussing the wind  I think he is the reason we began the conversation.

We worked a crossword puzzle--one of my favorite pasttimes. 

Heat overtook us and we all headed for air conditioning.

A couple of hours later Fred called and suggested Starbucks for a smoothie. He had 2 free coupons. Then more conversation. We are too interesting--lol. Conversations about architecture licenses, certifications, National Teacher Exam. Really exciting stuff.

Then we took our second tour of the island--looking at architecture and landscaping (is there a blue lantana on the island) and reading historical plaques. We found the Hutchings historical home and even drove down a dead end ally to get a good look from the back side.  Next we found the ex-mayor's home.  Both are gorgeous. 

We sound like two old people but it was fun and educational.  And Galveston has great architecture--Colonial, Victorian, Modern, Craftsman.

Next it was the pool. Fred swam two laps and I ate Otis raisin cookies. Just too much heat.

Called it a day. Needed some ac.

Now watching Project Runway. I love the creativity of these designers. I took tailoring in college but I can't imagine sewing without patterns or at least a pattern book.

Life is good on the island.

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