Monday, August 2, 2010

Attend college for free!!! So your child is entering high school!

Attend college for free!!!

So your child is entering high school! You need to start planning now to get those college scholarships especially if he or she is NOT a straight A student or the star quarterback or star forward or star pitcher.

Colleges and universities are looking closely at resumes---and it is imperative that you begin to build your child's resume ---you only have 4 years to make it the best---make it standout so that colleges will pay to have your child enroll.

1. Join clubs that are not just on the school campus. Colleges look for leadership skills!

For example, my son was a member of his school's 4-H Club studying photography----he was a member of the parish 4-H Leadership club serving as secretary/treasurer---and he was Historian for the Louisiana State 4-H Club. He attended every camp and went back often as a counselor.

Many of the graduates in my son's class had better grade point averages, held positions like class president, yearbook editor, student council president, yet they received no scholarships and he received 5 valued at over $400,000. They limited their leadership experience to just the local high school where often times those positions went to the most popular and not necessarily the brightest or the best qualified.

2. Play sports even if you are not the star. Sports builds confidence, keeps the body and mind in shape, and teaches children to be part of a team. My son played five sports but was not an athletic star. My daughter did gymnastics but she was only a beginner. So, she ran 5K races (which she never won). Colleges looked at their physical stamina and their ability to work as a team.

3. After school jobs--- Look for employment with companies that offer scholarships to their seniors (like McDonald's). In addition to working at the mall or the local fast food place---create a job. My son used the photography skills he basically taught himself to work for two local papers---one was a weekly and one was a daily. He wrote articles and submitted photos of school and community events. He was also the photographer for his high school yearbook.

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